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Domestic Relations Section

The Domestic Relations Section maintains and improves effective activity in promoting policy, legislation and awareness in the family law area, and in fostering quality among the family law bar. We are confident that you will find your Section membership to be valuable, both in terms of professional development and the nurturing of personal relationships with other family law practitioners in Virginia.

Our Section reviews, comments upon and, in appropriate circumstances, participates directly in the legislative and regulatory process on matters of professional interest to our members. Each year, the Section distributes a legislative summary to the membership immediately following the session of the Virginia General Assembly.

Our Section also typically sponsors advanced CLE programs at the Annual and Summer Meetings of The Virginia Bar Association, sometimes in cooperation with other substantive law Sections, on pertinent topics. The networking opportunities for Section members have proven particularly worthwhile over the years as well.

In previous years, our Section sponsored one edition annually of the VBA News Journal. Submission of potential articles from Section members for the VBA Journal is always encouraged.

We welcome your involvement in the Domestic Relations Section. Please contact any member of the Section Council if you wish to participate as a speaker in a CLE program, contribute an article to the VBA Journal, become a more active Section member, or with any questions, comments or suggestions for future Section activities. A listing of the Section's Council can be found on this website.

Thank you for being a member of the Domestic Relations Section; we look forward to working with you in our common quest to improve family law in the Commonwealth of Virginia.


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